Fun Facts
Chickens have a great memory and can distinguish between over 100 different faces of people or animals.
Chickens see in full color.
They actually dream dreams when they sleep.
Chickens can feel pain or distress.
Over 452 million hens are used a year for eggs.
There are over 25 billion of them in the world, that's more than any other bird.
The rooster's wattle is used to bring attention to him when dancing for the hen
Chickens love to play!
Mother hens talk to their chicks when they are still in the egg.
Each chicken sound means something specific.
A chicken can live for a short while without a head!
A hen can lay more than 300 eggs a year.
A mother hen turns her eggs about 50 times a day.
The largest chicken egg weighed nearly 12 ounces.
The waste made by a chicken in its lifetime can make enough electricity to run a 100 watt bulb for five hours!
When the neighbor comes over unannounced......
It's ON!!!
A chicken can live for a short while without a head! (crazy!)
A hen can lay more than 300 eggs a year.
A mother hen turns her eggs about 50 times a day.
The largest chicken egg weighed nearly 12 ounces.
The waste made by a chicken in its lifetime can make enough electricity to run a 100 watt bulb for five hours!
Reportedly the record number of eggs laid in one day by a chicken is seven.
A freshly laid egg is 105 degrees Fahrenheit.
Chickens have more bones in their necks than giraffes!
The chicken came before the egg.
If a chicken has red ear lobes, it will lay brown eggs; if white, white eggs.
Chickens will lay fewer, but larger eggs as they grow older.
A chicken heart beats more than 300 times a minute.
The record number of yolks in an egg is nine!
If the white of the egg is cloudy, it is fresh.
The amount of light is what makes a hen lay eggs.