Life on the farm

It's not a big farm but it's our farm. 

Animals are funny creatures and they're so fun to watch. You just never know what these silly animals are going to do.



There's never a dull moment around the farm.

Sometimes the roos get a little frisky and the girls have to put them in their place. 

It's always a lot of fun




Essential oils are a must around our little farm.  From Oregano & Thieves to support the immune systems to Frankincense & Lavender to support the skin, there are so many ways to use Young Living products around the farm



We are so excited about this new addition to our little farm.  Zebu's are the oldest living species of cattle.  Is that cool or what?



Bees are vital to our existence and we all need to do whatever we can to ensure their survival. 


Food Forest

There is always something going on around here and the food forest is our latest project. We’re still in the beginning stages and will post more information as we grow.