
When you see the Value, the Cost disappears

Last night while I was NOT falling asleep, these words popped into my head and it was all I could think about for at least an hour.

If you stop for a moment and think about it you’ll realize just how true these words are.

What is something that you are struggling with the cost of? Insurance, groceries, bills?

If you’re an employer it could be the cost of your employees and how much it costs to run your business.

If you’re an employee, then perhaps it’s the cost of being away from your kids during the day.

Are you starting your own business?

These words ring true for you as well. Starting your own business is hard work.

There’s time away from friends and family. Long hours after everyone else has gone to bed.

Perhaps you’re considering having/adopting a child? There’s a HUGE cost involved with kids!

Buying a home or vehicle? Oh yeah, I totally get it. It’s a lot to think about

As you can see, there are so many areas in our life that these words are evident,

but for me and last night it was about the steps we are currently walking in this journey called life.

We spend a small fortune on supplements, cbd and a more wholesome approach to eating.

It’s not cheap by any means and some weeks, quite honestly, we’ll purchase what foods we can.

But is the value worth the cost? I believe so.

The supplements and cbd oil is of a higher quality then you’re standard vitamin and supplement you might find on the market.

I find value in knowing that the plants that are used in these products are hand cultivated, non gmo, organic and

NEVER are pesticides used so we know what we’re putting in our body is clean and green.

When it comes to the foods we eat, well we do our best to pick whats clean.

This doesn’t mean we’ll always make the right choice but we take each day in stride.

The value of the higher priced items are worth it because it’s supporting our bodies in the healing process.

So for you, wherever you are, stop and think about the value and the cost.

If the value is there, then the cost isn’t an issue.


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