Powerful Words
Lately I've been hearing a lot of negative chatter, be it my friends, myself or people I've just met.
Our words are powerful and what we say has an effect on those we say them to or about.
You've heard the saying 'the terrible twos'. Well if you go into it assuming that the two's are going to be terrible then you already have a preconceived notion about how the two's are going to be. I remember when my kids were young and my sisters and I would hear that. It bothered us even back then. We regarded the 'TWO' stage as the tremendous two's. Our kids were growing and learning and sure they could be a handful but that's just standard two year old behavior! It doesn't mean they're TERRIBLE! I know, I know!!! You're thinking, I'm over-reacting! I mean come on lady it's just a saying! Yep! and it's a TERRIBLE one!
Now let's move on to more recent discussions, my husband is ______, my kids are ______, my friend _______. What you put in that blank space will tear down or build someone up.
Think of it like this, if we are always talking negative about whomever, then who is going to want to hang out with us? REALLY!!! think about it. Do you like hanging out with someone who is ALWAYS complaining about someone or another? I don't because all it does is bring me down. Now I'm not saying I don't complain because I do!! However, usually later I think back and realize, Boy I really was negative today, and it bothers me. I don't want someone to see me as a complainer and a negative Nancy. I want people to want to be around me because when they feel energized and feel uplifted after we've spent time together.
Take a moment and think about your day. How have your conversations gone? Have they been uplifting of others or have your words been tearing someone down? Even if the person you're tearing down doesn't actually hear the words come from your mouth it affects them. How? Because your attitude is changed toward them.
If you've just spent the last hour tearing down your husband or your kids to your best friend because you're frustrated with EVERYTHING, how do you end up acting toward them? I bet it's not very positive.
Not everything is hunky dory I GET IT! It's not in my life either. But if I'm so focused on the negative than how the heck am I going to be able to see the positive when it's slapping me in the face.
I challenge you to take some time today and think about your words. Think before you talk and actually LISTEN to the words you are speaking. Are your words speaking life or are they speaking death? YEA DEATH!!