Toxins (4/17)
Our team recently hosted a green cleaning class and as we were discussing ways we can kick toxic chemicals to the curb we started discussing other toxins that could be affecting us. One of those toxins discussed was relationships.
Sometimes the toxins we have to kick to the curb are actually toxic relationships. I was in a 20 year toxic relationship and when I finally got out of it I realized just how many areas of my life that relationship had affected. It's funny but a toxic relationship can affect you in both good and bad ways.
Let's chat about the good; one way it has changed me is I now realize that I am worth more than that toxic relationship. I deserve better and I now respect myself enough NOT to be disrespected. I realize that I am more than enough. Now I don't mean that in a arrogant way, but I AM enough. I am me like me or don't like me, I am ok with it either way. One of my pet pieves is when someone just decides not to like me because of what they've HEARD about me. Get to know me first THEN don't like me I'm cool with that. It's important that we take the time to get to know someone for ourselves and make our own judgement. If I had listened to what others had to say about some people I know, I would have missed out on some really great friendships.
Sometimes a toxic relationship for me isn't toxic for you and vice versa, so get to know someone and make your own decision, don't just assume or take the word of someone else.
There are times we get so stuck in the past and how those toxic relationships affected us that we don't allow ourselves to enjoy the life we are living now.
If you're in a rut, I encourage you to take the necessary steps to get out. It may mean counseling or disconnecting from a relationship (spouse, family, job or friend) etc.
Whatever it is remember, YOU are worth it