The last few days it’s seems every discussion has turned to the word competition.
Recently I was talking to a friend about a team member. We were discussing some recent events that seemed to turn kind of competitive. I explained how I didn’t want to be in competition with them and that I would prefer to work WITH them not AGAINST them. My concern was that by me wanting to work with them that may lead them to believe it was a competition and that was pretty much stressing me out.
Two days after that discussion I read the following: Competition can compliment you or consume you. (21 days of Prayer by Monique McLean) That hit me like a ton of bricks. I was consumed and I was allowing what someone else might be thinking to consume me and affect me in a negative way
Have you fallen in to the trap? You know the one ‘keeping up with the Jones’
Who are the Jones' anyway and why do we want to keep up with them?
All we need to compete with is ourselves. We need to keep our focus on what we are doing and stop worrying about what everyone else is doing
Life is not a competition
Sometimes in business we can get caught up in that competition trap. DONT! It’s hard! Trust me I KNOW!
I’ve watched others grow their business and it seems so easy for them while I struggle to maintain a basic goal. I have to keep reminding myself that it’s not a race, I’m not competing with anyone.
When my focus is on what others are doing than I’ve lost my focus on what I AM doing and that has a negative affect on me.
Competition is not a negative thing it’s just how we handle it that could be negative
I encourage you to take an honest look at where you’re at right now! Are you competing with someone? Maybe it’s a conceived notion that someone is competing with you!
STOP! or It will stop You!!