Through the Windshield


Our View Through the Windshield

We have been so fortunate to have traveled through this beautiful country.  The views we have seen have been amazing at times and stressful at others.  


We have seen the incredible pink, blue and purple hues of the sun as it set over the mountains on our travels west and the bright yellows, oranges and reds as the sun rose over those same mountains on our journey east.


We’ve peered through the windshield trying to keep the vehicle in front of us in sight as the lake effect snow came down so heavy it would climb to six inches on the hood because the travel was so slow. We've seen the beauty of the mountains covered in freshly fallen snow.


The windshield provided views of varying bodies of water, as well as breathtaking views of lakes,

rivers, streams and water falls.  

The little rock covered streams that turned in to full blown rivers that would twist and turn and


seemingly follow us down the highway; dilapidated barns just screaming to be taken down and re-purposed to become something new again.


 Little sprouts at the beginning of their journey, fields ready for harvest and others completely covered in a fresh blanket of snow.


Our bug splattered windshield opened our eyes to views we've never seen before.

America the Beautiful” 

is more than just a song; 


Our America 


It Is Beautiful!
