The Journey Continues
My hay video garnered a lot of various responses. I love it, you go girl, great job, etc
At the moment I just wanted to get the hay offloaded while the kids (aka cows) were preoccupied eating and I didn’t want hubs to have to come home from a long day at work and deal with, though he gladly would have, he does it all the time.
I think the reason I did it was more just to prove that I could. You see a few days prior I had learned of the passing of a friend. Her journey was over. This week marks 1 year since my journey began. I have aches and pains and my arms are very weak. There are many days I can’t even open a jar and some days holding a coffee cup is done with 2 hands. I also need to go back in for more scans, but I think at that moment I just needed to prove to myself that I could do it. To prove to myself that I’m still alive and kicking. To prove that RIGHT NOW, THIS MOMENT, I am good even with the pains and weakness.
So I did it!! TODAY I was able to. I don’t know what tomorrow will bring but TODAY is good.
I say all this because I want to encourage you to not give up. All of our journeys are different. For some it’s cancer (there’s too many to list), others it’s back/joint issues etc. This life is OUR JOURNEY.
There are days we just need to take the bull by the horns and DO IT. LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST.
The fullest for one day may be just getting out of bed but you do it!
I feel so fortunate to have gotten through this year. Every new ache and pain makes me wonder, is it back? It is a concern that will always be present but I can’t allow the fear to hold me back from moving forward.