Body Butter

Dry winter skin is the worst and for us it seems to hang around all year long.  There are so many recipes for body butter so try a couple different ones until you find out what works best for you.  

I've used Shea butter and cocoa butter but I seem to always come back to the basic recipe of beeswax and coconut oil.

There are so many uses for coconut oil. 

Some of the ways I use coconut oil are: 

  • Hair Mask - I mix coconut oil, honey, Frankincense & Lavender essential oils and apply to my hair, focusing on the scalp and ends.  The frizzies are the worst here in S. Florida so my hair needs all the extra help it can get.

  • Carrier Oil - Fractionated coconut oil makes a great carrier oil for my essential oil roller bottles.

  • Cooking / Baking - I use coconut oil in lieu of vegetable oil for pretty much everything.  It has a higher heat point so it's great for those times when you just HAVE to fry.

  • Makeup Remover - Makeup is not my favorite thing to wear so when I do, coconut oil makes a great makeup remover and moisturizes my skin at the same time. Did you know Young Living has the new Savvy Minerals line?  It's all natural mineral makeup and even when I'm lazy and don't take off my makeup, it's not going to clog my skin.

  • Massage Oil - Who doesn't like a massage?  Coconut oil is wonderful for massaging those 'weekend warrior' joints.  I add a little Panaway, Peppermint and Copaiba essential oils for an added kick.

  • Coffee - Yep, I use coconut oil in my morning coffee to give my metabolism a little kick start

  • Pets - Coconut oil is not just good for us, but it's also great for our pets too.  I add a little to Maggie's food bowl so she gets the added benefits as well.

I use coconut oil for so many things, we could literally be here all day chatting about it.


My Butter recipe can be changed up to make it a body lotion, immune support lotion, massage lotion, oolala lotion etc.

Basic Body Butter

1 cup coconut oil

3 Tablespoons beeswax

Essential oils as desired

Melt beeswax in a double boiler.  Carefully add the coconut oil in and melt with the beeswax.  

Coconut oil melts quickly so this step won't take long.  

Place the mixture in the refrigerator to set up for 20-40 minutes. Keep an eye on it so it doesn't get too hard.  The mixture should be soft enough to mix but hard enough that it's not soupy.

Add essential oils as desired.

For hubs lotion I add Mister, Shutran, Cypress, Goldenrod, Frankincense, Lavender,  Juniper and what ever else may be  within reach at the moment

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