Aloe Juice
We all know aloe is great for our skin, but did you know it’s also great for your gut. (I am not a doctor so consult your doctor to discuss before taking)
Allow is fairly easy to harvest. Remove a few of the leaves. I typically use 3-4 but have used up to 8 at one time. Be sure the leaves are free of damage, pests etc. Cut them close to the stem. I’ve found that if you detach very close to the stem, you can remove the entire leaf intact. Be sure to avoid the roots. Wash and dry the leaves prior to peeling. I start by slicing the pointy edges off first. Starting with one side, peel/slice off the exterior layer from the aloe gel inside. Flip over and remove the other side. This is where it gets tricky because the aloe is a slippery little booger. Once you’ve removed the aloe gel from the leaf wash off any latex that may remain (see note below). Cut into pieces and drop into the blender with some distilled water. Blend well and strain with a fine strainer to remove any remaining pulp (I had very little so you could skip this step if you’d like). I then add a little lemon and stevia to make it more of an aloe juice lemonade.
Note: The yellow substance is the aloe latex. This can cause stomach upset so be sure to remove all of it prior to consuming.