Tepache - Fermented Pineapple Drink
Pineapple rind and core
Brown sugar - 2 cups
Cinnamon - 2 sticks
Ginger - 2 Tablespoons (approximately)
Cloves (optional) - 10 whole
Water - 1 gallon
Heat water just warm enough to dissolve the brown sugar.
Allow the mixture to cool
Meanwhile cut up pineapple rind & core. Peel and slice the ginger and add to jar along with the cinnamon sticks (and clove if using)
Pour mixture over ingredients in ferment jar, making sure all pieces are covered with liquid (if not then it could mold)
Keep covered (use cheese cloth, coffee filter, paper towel etc) and leave at room temperature for 3 days. You should see some bubbling while the process is working.
Strain to separate ingredients from the drink and store in the refrigerator.
Drink within week