Beauty Within
Today while I was heading to work I decided to listen to the radio. There were numerous commercials for lipo, implants and various body alterations. What happened to the beauty in our differences?
One of the comments was regarding sucking out that extra fat to get the perfect 6 pack abs. SERIOUSLY?!
Who’s idea of perfect are we seeking? The plastic surgeons? Perhaps it’s the trainer at the gym. Do they know what a perfect body looks like?
We were designed perfect with all of our imperfections.
Body shaming seems to be everywhere. You’re shamed if you’re fat and you’re shamed if your too skinny. Too tall or too short. I deal with my own insecurities because of what I see and what I feel others think I should look like.
Recently I’ve seen numerous posts of women wanting to fix ‘what the kids have sucked out of them’.
Um yeah ok.
It’s your body you do what you want but you’re body is perfect and beautiful because what the kids sucked out of you was life, love and nutrition.
As women our bodies were designed to grow and nourish a life. Sure we have saggy boobs and stretch marks as a result but there’s beauty in those saggy boobs and stretch marks. There is beauty in what our bodies were designed to do. Some of us will never have the ‘perfect body’ but then perhaps we already do, we just haven’t opened our eyes to see the beauty that lies within.
You can choose to look out the window and see the ugly AC units, or shift your focus to see the beautiful sunrise beyond them