Enjoying Nature

Had a great weekend of relaxing


This morning I’m sitting at the dock under the shade of a palm tree listening to the various birds as they sing their songs.  There’s a light current in the water and a single lily pad has cut loose from its clump and is floating down the canal on its own little journey towards the river.    A donkey is baying in the pasture across the canal. The cows are mooing to each other between the various pastures as if to say good morning.  


Various other critters; birds, owls, frogs, dogs, cricket etc all singing, barking, croaking, giving me an outdoor orchestra that’s different every morning.  Even the flies buzzing about add to the symphony. The sound of a train in the distance breaks through the orchestra giving it a unique vibe.  


Off in the distance a cow has come to the canal bank for a drink of water. 


As I continue to sit, there’s a ripple in the water where a fish came to surface.  

The flutter of the birds wings and the rustle of the leaves as it comes to rest on the nearby tree. 


The wind has picked up a little so the flag is flying and the sound of it flapping and the metal hitting the pole, is a reminder of what it costs to be free. 


The camp is now awake and the sound of chitter chatter is floating through the air along with the sound of flippy floppies as they head our direction. 


It’s a beautiful breezy morning here on the canal bank.

Mary TobiassenComment