Sugar Free / Gluten Free Donuts


You ever just want something different for breakfast?  These donuts are pretty simple and the fact that they're gluten and sugar free is an added bonus

I  like to mix it up and try different things and since I had extra bacon from last nights dinner I decided to incorporate it into the toppings.  I ended up making a lemon dip, chocolate, and cinnamon sugar toppings.  I'll post the dips at the bottom of the donut recipe

Gluten/Sugar Free Donuts

1 cup almond flour (I used Blue Diamond almond flour)

1/3 cup Truvia

2 tsp baking powder (gluten free)

1 tsp cinnamon

1/8 tsp salt (I use sea salt)

1/4 cup butter (melted)

1/4 cup almond milk (unsweetened)

2 eggs

1/2 tsp vanilla

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F and grease donut pan (I use Pam for baking)


Combine dry ingredients together and in a separate bowl melt the butter then mix in the remaining wet ingredients.

Add the dry ingredients to the wet and mix well.  

Pour batter into donut pan filling about 3/4 full.

Bake for 15 minutes until golden brown.

Remove donuts from oven and allow to cool in the pan for a few minutes before transferring to a cooling rack



Cinnamon Sugar - Mix approximately 1/4 cup Truvia with 1 tsp cinnamon (I tasted to make sure it was cinnamony enough and added a tad bit more) Brush donut with melted butter then dip donut in the cinnamon sugar.

Lemon Glaze-  Juice of 1/2 a lemon and 1/3 cup Truvia - My lemon glaze ended up as more of a lemon syrup so it saturated the donut with lemon which ended up being very tasty.  In the future I will add the juice to the truvia so I can monitor the thickness. 

Chocolate Glaze - Melt 2 Tbs butter (you can use coconut oil too), add 2 tsp cocoa and 1 Tbs Truvia.  Taste and see if you want more sweetness.  I dipped the donut in the chocolate then dipped it in coconut and just sprinkled the bacon on top because it didn't dip so well.

Please note: all ingredients are approximates as I tend to taste it as I go and add a smidge of this and that, here and there. Sorry it's just how I roll.